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English Class a1+ unit 2 revision

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is there ____________ sausage for me? I’m hungry. a) any b) a c) an
Is there a sausage for me? I’m hungry.
There isn’t _____ orange in the kitchen. a) any b) a c) an
There isn’t an orange in the kitchen
Some czy any? Is there ____________ chocolate?
Is there any chocolate?
There’s ____________ flour in the cupboard. a) some b) a c) an
There’s some flour in the cupboard.
There’s ____________ cupcake on the table. a) some b) a c) an
There’s a cupcake on the table.
Let's buy a _________ (paczkÄ™) of biscuit for tea.
Let's buy a pocket of biscuit for tea.
Is there a _______ (słoik) of strawberry jam in the cupboard?
Is there a jar of strawberry jam in the cupboard?
There's a _________ (butelka) of water in the fridge.
There's a bottle of water in the fridge.
Please buy a ________ (puszka) of cola from the supermarket.
Please buy a can of cola from the supermarket.
Some czy any? Is there ____ joghurt? No, there isn't, but there is ____ milk.
Is there any joghurt? No, there isn't, but there is some milk
How _____ cans of cola have you got? a) much b) many
How many cans of cola have you got?
Is there _______ carton of apple juice? a) some b) any
Is there any carton of orange juice?
How _____ milk is there? a) much b) many
How much milk is there?
How ______ biscuits are there? a) much b) many
How many biscuits are there?
Przetłumacz: Coś jeszcze?
Anything else?
Przetłumacz: Poproszę szklankę Coli.
I'd like a glass of cola, please.
What food don't you like? I don't like eating __________.
I don't like eating broccoli ice cream.
What do you like having for dinner? I like __________ having for dinner.
I like having fish and chips for dinner.
What do you eat at the weekend? I like eating ___________ at the weekend
I like eating sandwiches at the weekend.
Where do you have lunch and what do you eat and drink? I have lunch in the _______________. I eat __________ and I drink ________.
I have lunch in the canteeen. I eat __________ and I drink ________.
What do you like having for breakfast? I like eating _______ for breakfast.
I like eating eggs for breakfast.