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iEnglish 2上 Unit 3 and 4

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_____ (put) on your medical face mask is mandatory in public spaces during Covid restrictions.
Remember to f_____ your pet and give it freshwater.
I am s_____ of my b_____ because he shouts at anyone who makes a mistake. He is terrible to work with.
scared, boss
Becoming a s_____ is Andy's dream, and he is working hard to be s_____.
soldier, successful
After t_____ (try) to fix the computer for several hours, he f_____ decided to take it to the store to get it fixed.
trying, finally
D_____ (decide) to become a f_____ was an easy choice for John MacDonald.
Deciding, farmer
The f_____ c_____ a huge fish off the coast of Hualien yesterday.
fisherman caught
I need braces, so I need to go see the d_____ this week.
John is nervous today. He has b_____.
butterflies in his stomach
The r_____ will have an i_____ with the President later today.
reporter, interview
A l_____ helps people with their legal rights.
Many people h_____ they will be able to travel to other countries in the near f_____.
hope, future
My room is next to the s_____, so I can hear when anyone goes downstairs.
She _____ (hang) her clothes to dry while the cat was playing outside.
was hanging
No, you may not touch my p______ without my permission.
Let's go inside to grab some iced tea and to c_______ from this summer heat.
cool down
The family had a terrible e______ at the beach when their son got knocked over by a wave.
Robert ______ (sweep) the floor at half past four.
was sweeping
The students ______ (leave) the school at a q_____ past four.
were leaving, quarter
My brother was ______ (do/dishes) at half past ten last night.
doing the dishes