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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She walks the dog at the moment.
She walks the dog in the evening. (possible answer)
I'm not liking cucumbers, bananas or lettuce.
I don't like cucumbers, bananas or lettuce.
homework / always / our English teacher / us / gives.
Our English teacher always gives us homework.
I / eggs / for / usually / have / breakfast.
I usually have eggs for breakfast.
always / my best / remembers / friend / my birthday
My best friend always remembers my birthday.
I / dream about / sometimes/ flying.
I sometimes dream about flying.
Lizards / green / usually / are / brown / or
Lizards are usually green or brown.
sister / phone / her / often / My / takes / with / photos
My sister often takes photos with her phone.
tired / always / Friday / on / evenings / Mum / is
Mum is always tired on Friday evenings.
school / sometimes / for / Joshua / late / is
Joshua is sometimes late for school.
school / sometimes / for / Joshua / late / is
Joshua is sometimes late for school.
in / We / radio / usually / the / to / the / listen / car
We usually listen to the radio in the car.
read / in / always / Jenny / bed
Jenny always reads in bed.
you / listen to the radio / in bed?
Do you listen to the radio in bed?
we / not draw/ cartoons / in our school books.
We don't draw cartoons in our school books.
when / they / make / jewellery?
When do they make jewellery?
my sister / watch TV / every evening.
My sister watches TV every evening.
your friend / sing / in a band?
Does your friend sing in a band?
Scott / not go / to school / on Saturday mornings.
Scott doesn't go to school on Saturday mornings.
In the afternoon, Dad and I _________ (make) model planes and then in the evening we all ________ (watch) a film together.
In the afternoon, Dad and I make model planes and then in the evening we all watch a film together.
I _________ (not like) rollerblading, so I usually ________ (help) Mum with the shopping.
I don't like rollerblading, so I usually help Mum with the shopping.
In the morning my sister Olivia and I _________ (play) basketball and then she _________ (go) rollerblading with Dad.
In the morning my sister Olivia and I play basketball and then she goes rollerblading with Dad.
My family and I _________ (be) always busy on Saturdays.
My family and I are always busy on Saturdays.