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B2+ U5 Vocabulary

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I think he's still _______________________ the death of his wife.
coming to terms with
He was ___________ the traffic.He had been stuck for 5 hours.
appalled by
She's always been completely ____________ in her children and ignored other things.
wrapped up
Despite harsh criticism, she's _________________ on this issue. She won't give up.
sticking to her guns
I think she was pretty __________ by the accident.She even couldn't speak.
shaken up
You know you’ll _____________ if you forget to do it, so just do it now!
kick yourself
He ________________and managed to wrestle the knife from his attacker's hands.
fought back
She finally stopped crying and ___________________herself.
He was very brave. He wasn't afraid to _____________ bullies.
stand up to
He wants a full refund and he won't _______________anything less.
settle for
He ____________ the chance to join the band.
jumped at
Look at him. He's not really angry - he's just ___________ you on.
There's no need to ________________ - you can sing as well as anyone.
hang back
I know he's annoying, but you shouldn't let him ________ you. Don't be upset.
get to
Stop ____________________ - this is serious!
fooling around