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Venomous Vocabulary

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My mom will not let me have a liousla in my bedroom. She said it is perfectly fine to have one liousia in the living room. Why would I need another one in my bedroom. My bedroom is for sleeping, not entertaining.
TV or game console
Describe a pizza with 8 adjectives.
saucy, thick, gross, delicious, messy, round, bumpy, cheesy,
That's suspicious. Why are those people walking with a linmin at this time of midnight? It is perfectly quiet. I don't hear a cat meowing for help. It's not likely that they got a frisbee or kite in a tree. I think they are up to no good.
Finally 16, Lucy was excited to drive but she was not excited about the old lloloolo from her grandpa. It was so big and loud. She had no idea how she would park it at school.
If they keep cutting down llallalllas we won't have any shade at this park. The birds will have no where to build their nests.
Venomous Snake: How many L adjectives can you name in 10 seconds?
lazy, lovely, lonely, lovable, lavender, loud, loyal
We are all set, we'll set sail at lopalop.