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Past Simple Or Past Continuous?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What were they doing last weekend?
They were swimming.
What were they doing last weekend?
They were watching TV.
What were they doing last weekend?
They were watching DVDS.
What were they doing last weekend?
They were walking the dog.
What were they doing last weekend?
They were taking pictures.
What were they doing last weekend?
They were surfing.
What were they doing last weekend?
They were surfing the internet.
What were they doing last weekend?
They were skating.
What were they doing last weekend?
They were skateboarding.
What were they doing last weekend?
They were shopping.
What were they doing last weekend?
They were running.
What were they doing last weekend?
They were playing catch.
What were they doing last weekend?
They were playing on a slide.
What were they doing last weekend?
They were playing volleyball.
What were they doing last weekend?
They were mailing a letter.
What were they doing last weekend?
They were mailing packages.
What were they doing last weekend?
They were hiking.
What were they doing last weekend?
They were buying things.
What were they doing last weekend?
They were buying trainers.
What were they doing last weekend?
They were bowling.
What were they doing last weekend?
They were borrowing pencils.
What did they do last weekend?
They borrowed books.
What were they doing last weekend?
They were borrowing books.
What did they do last weekend?
They went swimming.
What did they do last weekend?
They watched TV.
What did they do last weekend?
They watched DVDS.
What did they do last weekend?
They walked the dog.
What did they do last weekend?
They took pictures
What did they do last weekend?
They went surfing.
What did they do last weekend?
They surfed the internet.
What did they do last weekend?
They went skating.
What did they do last weekend?
They went skateboarding.
What did they do last weekend?
They went shopping.
What did they do last weekend?
They went running.
What did they do last weekend?
They were playing catch.
What did they do last weekend?
They played on a slide.
What did they do last weekend?
They played volleyball.
What did they do last weekend?
They mailed a package.
What did they do last weekend?
They went hiking.
What did they do last weekend?
They bought sneakers.
What did they do last weekend?
They went bowling.
What did they do last weekend?
They borrowed pencils.