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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who wrote Harry Potter?
J.K. Rowling
Who discovered America and when?
America WAS _____ (discover) by Cristóbal Colón in 1492
Who wrote the theory of evolution?
The theory of evolution WAS (write) by Charles Darwin
Who discovered the penicilin?
The penicilin WAS (discover) by Alexander Fleming.
The Lord of the Rings films __ (direct) by... a) Steven Spielberg b) James Cameron c) Peter Jackson
c) Peter Jackson
Who wrote 100 Years of Solitude?
100 Years of Solitude WAS _____ (write) by Gabriel García Márquez
Which team won the World Cup final in 2010?
The 2010 World Cup final WAS ____ (win) by Spain.
Who painted The Starry Night?
The Starry Night WAS _____ (paint) by Vincent Van Gogh
Who is the creator and writer of Romeo and Juliet?
Romeo and Juliet WAS ______ (create) by William Shakespeare
Who was the singer of "Thriller"?
"Thriller" WAS _____ (sing) by Michael Jackson
Who is the director of "The nightmare before Christmas"?
The nightmare before Christmas WAS _____ (direct) by Tim Burton
Who was the inventor of iPhones?
iPhones WERE ____ (invent) by Steve Jobs.
Who is the Eiffel Tower named after?
The Eiffel Tower WAS ______ (name) after Gustave Eiffel.