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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Match the sports with the place: a ski circuit - course - court - pitch - pool - slope - track
Match the sports with the place: a golf circuit - course - court - pitch - pool - slope - track
Match the sports with the place: a Formula 1 / motorcycling circuit - course - court - pitch - pool - slope - track
Match the sports with the place: an athletics... circuit - course - court - pitch - pool - slope - track
Match the sports with the place: a swimming / diving... circuit - course - court - pitch - pool - slope - track
Match the sports with the place: a football / rugby / hockey circuit - course - court - pitch - pool - slope - track
Match the sports with the place: a tennis / basketball... circuit - course - court - pitch - pool - slope - track
What is this? a. the stadium b. the stadio c. the sports centre
the stadium
Who is this? a. the captain b. the coach
the coach
Who are these? a. the team b. the sportists
the team
Who are these? a. the referees b. the players c. the captains
the players
What's this? a. the course b. the sports hall
the sports hall
Who are these people? a. the coach (football) / the umpire (tennis) b.the referee (football) / the umpire (tennis)
the referee (football) / the umpire (tennis)
Who are these people? a. the crowd / spectators b. the watchers / the viewers
the crowd / spectators
Who are these people? a. the fans b. the fanatics
the fans