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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What time do we ___ ___ tomorrow on our trip?
set off
My parents are going to ____me____ from the airport at 5pm.
pick me up
___ ___!. The road is icy and very slippery.
Watch out/ look out
They're travelling across Europe by train and are planning to ___ ___ in Moscow.
end up
We're going to __ __ __ petrol. We need to stop at a petrol station.
run out
How long ____ it ____ you to get to school walking?
How long does it take you...?
It ____ me more than an hour to get to work by bus this morning. 
My cousin is going to __me__ at my sister's house. 
drop off
a phrasal verb to warn someone of danger
look out, watch out
___ ___ does it take you to drive to the beach?
How long does it take...?
traffic _______
The maximum allowed speed of a road is called ___ ___
speed limit
The place where bycles are going ___ ___
cycle lane
What do you call it when a vehicle hits an object or another vehicle?
car crash
An area in the city where cars aren't allowed, only people
pedestrian zone
What is that? ___ ___
zebra crossing
lots of car on the road moving slowly is called ___ ___
traffic jam
where the taxis are waiting for passengers: ___ ___
taxi rank
What do you need put on when get inside a car? ___ ___
seat belt
A device that monitors cars speed on the roads  ___ ___
speed camera
the time when everyone leaves work and there is lots of traffic and lots people on the metro
rush hour
Where do you put fuel in your car? ___ ___
petrol station
Synonym of street construction ___ ___
road works
What you get if you park illegally.  ___ ___
parking fine