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WHII.11 SOL Review

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What long conflict was beginning after WWII that split the world into "East" and "West" and what two superpowers led each side?
The Cold War with the US (West) vs. the USSR (East)
What were held in Europe after WWII to determine the guilt of those who participated in the Holocaust and what type of Germans were targeted in these trials?
Nuremberg Trials; High-ranking Nazi officials
What was the US's plan to rebuild the economies of many nation after WWII in an effort to deter them from communism after WWII?
The Marshall Plan
What was Winston Churchill's metaphor about the ideological split of Europe into communist east and democratic west?
The Iron Curtain
What nation was split into democratic west and communist east after WWII?
After WWII, what two large military alliances formed and which was led by the US and USSR?
NATO- US Warsaw Pact- USSR
What two nations were a large focus of American rebuilding efforts after WWII?
German and Japan
What was passed by the UN that gave all people living in member countries certain rights?
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
What nation was split into 7 smaller republics that ultimately resulted in Muslims and Croats being attacked by Bosnian Serbs?
Former Yugoslavia
What group was target by the Ottoman Empire before the end of WWI in an effort to get them out of the area that would become modern day Turkey?
What ethnic group was targeted by the Hutu in Rwanda after the Hutu president's plane was shot down?
The Tutsi
What was the killing of over 20 million "enemies of the state" or "bad communists" by Joseph Stalin in the USSR before WWII?
The Great Purge
What nation faced a genocide in which the Communist leader Pol Pot killed over 25% of the population in this nation?
The Cambodian Genocide
Who were blamed for Germany's defeat in WWI and what is the hatred of these people known as?
The Jews; Anti-Semitism
What were passed in the last 1930s that took rights away from German Jews and other undesirables and what larger event would help to occur?
The Nuremberg Laws; The Holocaust
What event ended the war in the Pacific and brought WWII finally to a close?
The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
What event caused Germany to have to fight a war on two fronts and where was this attacked launched?
D-Day in Normandy, France (German occupied France)
What event ultimately led to the most German casualties during WWII?
The invasion of the Soviet Union
Describe the Battle of Britain. Give both sides, the nature of the fighting, and the result
Germany launched months of aerial bombing on British civilian targets to get the British government to surrender, but the British people prevailed.
What tactics did the Germans use to overrun both Poland and France relatively easily?
Blitzkrieg (Lightning war)
What two nations had an agreement to not attack each other early in WWII, what was the agreement called, and who broke it?
Germany and the USSR, the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact, and Germany broke it
What event marked the beginning of WWII, who attack what nation, and what two nations would split this attacked nation?
The invasion of Poland, Germany attacked, and Germany and the USSR split Poland
Who were these people: Mussolini, Truman, George Marshall, Hirohito, Churchill
Mussolini- Italian dictator Truman- US pres at end of war George Marshall- led Euro. recovery Hirohito- Japan's emperor Churchill- British PM
Who were these people: Franklin D. Roosevelt Joseph Stalin Douglas MacArthur Dwight Eisenhower Hideki Tojo
FDR- US pres. for most of WWII Joseph Stalin- Soviet dictator MacArthur- US general in Pacific Eisenhower- US general in Europe Hideki Tojo- Japanese shogun
What three nations aggressively expanded their borders during the Interwar Period?
Germany, Italy, and Japan
What was the US's policy regarding WWII until 1941 and what caused this to change?
Isolationism; the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
What is the act/belief of giving something to someone, hoping they will be satisfied and stop their aggression/advancement?
What organization was formed after WWI, why did it fail to stop WWII, and what organization replaced it after WWII that was more successful?
The League of Nations; the US did not join which caused it to lack power; the United Nations
What document ended World War I? How did it in part cause World War II?
The Treaty of Versailles; its negative consequences for Germany helped Adolf Hitler to rise to power