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WHI.10,11 SOL Review

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Give two of the three things that all Mesoamerican civilizations utilized.
Calendars, advanced mathematics, and writing/record-keeping systems
What city did we study in the Incan Empire and describe it.
Machu Picchu; a city built atop a mountain
What did the Inca create throughout their empire to unify it and aid in travel/communication?
A road network (including rope bridges)
What was the capital city of the Aztecs and what took place there on a massive scale? Why?
Tenochtitlan; human sacrifice; to revive/nourish the sun god
All of the Mesoamerican civilizations were ________ (polytheistic or monotheistic).
Which city was the most notable for the Mayans? What were there a lot of throughout the city?
Chichen Itza; pyramids
What political units were the Mayans divided into and why?
City-states; the rainforest kept them seperated
Which of the three Mesoamerican civilizations we studied did not use pyramids? Why did they not construct pyramids like the other two?
Incan; because they had mountains to use instead
What religion were most people in Africa before the spread of Islam and Christianity into the region? Also, what does this religion worship?
Animism and nature
What three nations grow in western Africa that relied heavily on the trade of gold and salt? Also, what major city was a trading center for the last two nations?
Ghana, Mali, Songhai. Timbuktu
What two rivers was the nation of Zimbabwe located between, what was their capital city, and describe the city.
Zambezi and Limpopo Rivers, Great Zimbabwe, and a large walled city that was mysteriously abandoned.
What nation in Africa became a Christian nation and was located in the Ethiopian Highlands?
Axum (Aksum)
What three things heavily influenced Japanese culture that came from China?
Their writing, architecture, and Buddhism
What religion was native to Japan and give three things it worshipped.
Shinto - Natural features - Forces of nature - Ancestors - The emperor
Japan is a chain of islands called an ______ and their terrain was mostly _____.
archipelago; mountainous
What region had the lateen sail, new crops such as sugar, and spices?
The Indian Ocean region
What nation did Buddhism begin in and in what order did it spread to the next three nations we studied?
Began in India, then spread to China, Korea, and Japan
Give three of the four regions that textiles were produced in.
China, India, Middle East, and Europe
Where do the following goods all come from? Compass, amber, gold+salt, and windmills+waterwheels?
Compass=China Amber= Baltic Region Gold+salt= West Africa Windmills+waterwheels= Middle East
What three trade routes are shown in this image?
Maritime, Silk Road, and Northern European Links with the Black Sea
What three trade routes are shown in this image?
Trans-Saharan, Western European Sea and River, and South China Sea and Lands of Southeast Asia