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Social situations

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Tyson and Aaron are working at a fast food restaurant. Aaron is a cook and  made the wrong hamburger for Tyson's table. 
Jackie spends her weekends working both Saturday and Sunday at a grocery store. Paul does not have a job and he wants them to go get something to eat on Friday night. He has no money. 
Braxton and Janie want to spend time together on the weekend. Braxton wants to go out for dinner, but Janie wants to stay in and watch a movie.
Chris is talking to Fiona about different character's that he's unlocked on his video game. Fiona is sitting quietly, but isn't interested in what Chris is saying.
Penny is having a conversation with Victor, but he keeps going on his phone and sending messages during their conversation.
Jenna and Natlie are at a party. Jenna is standing with her arms crossed while Natalie talks with other people. 
Wes is working at a supermarket and is almost done with his shift. His boss has just approached him and has asked if he can work an extra hour. 
Kelly is about to finish a shift at work, but cannot leave until Gill arrives. Gill has just arrived 15 minutes late.
Tom is with his friends at the pizza bar. A man who is overweight has just walked into the store. Tom makes loud jokes about his weight. 
Luke is a huge risk taker and has just gotten his license. His friend Jake needs a ride home and Luke offers to drive him home.
April is very social. She loves to meet new people. Dan is shy and likes to spend time by himself. They are on their way to an 18th party. 
George is going to Tom’s house to pick him up to go to a movie. He arrives 30 minutes late.
Winston’s friend has just asked if Winston could look after their cat while they are away. Winston loves cats. His dad is allergic to cats.
Jack’s dad is always asking him about his day. What happened, what he learned about, who he talked to. Jack is tired of his Dad wanting to know every little detail.
Jack has asked Daisy to watch his football game. Daisy has just arrived and has realized she does not know anyone there and isn't sure where she should sit.
Branden and Sarah have been dating for a year. Branden has just surprised Sarah with a puppy. She knows her parents don't really want another dog.
John and Leon have always been best friends. They do everything together! Recently, John got a girlfriend. Now he spends all of his time with her. 