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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If my sister __________ (not live) in Australia, I __________ (see) her more often.
If my sister didn't live in Australia, I would see her more often.
Complete the sentence... I would be very happy if...
If it weren't so cold outside
Complete the sentence... If I were famous...
I would be in a movie
I don't know. If I ____ (knew), I ____ tell you.
If I knew I would tell you
If I ___ (was) a billionaire, I ____ travel the world.
If I were a billionaire I would travel the world
Global warming _________(slow) down if people _______(change) their lifestyles.
Global warming would slow down if peoplec changed their lifestyles.
If it_____ (rain) more, our crops_____ (grow) faster.
If it rained more, our crops would grow faster
He_______(speak) French more fluently if he________ (practice) it more often.
He would speak French more fluently if he practiced it more often.
If I________ (not have) any homework, I_______ (help) you to clean up.
If I didn't have any homework, I would help you to clean up.
If I_______harder (study), I _________ the exam (pass).
If I studied harder, I would pass the exam.
If she ____ (have) more time, she ____ (learn) karate
If she had more time, she could/would learn karate
If you could meet any celebrity...
I would meet...
If I could travel in time...
I would go to the past
If I had one meal for the rest of my life...
I would eat pizza
If you were lost on a deserted island, what 3 items would you bring?
lighter, blanket, water filter
If I could stay one age forever
I would be.... years old
If I could have any job...
I would be a scientist
If I could meet any celebrity...
I would meet Justin Bieber
If I didn't study...
I would not pass my exams
If the world ended tomorrow...
I would eat my favorite foods.
If I didn't have to go to school...
I would play outside instead.
If I could go back in time...
I would study another language
If I could go anywhere in the world...
I would go to Antarctica
If I could be anything...
I would be an astronaut
If I had a superpower...
I would be able to time travel
If I had one wish...
I would wish for...
If I won the lottery...
I would travel the world