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Stay Calm with during conflict

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the G in DEBUG?
Get an adult
What is the U in DEBUG?
Use Firm words
What is the B in DEBUG?
Be kind, use nice words
What is the E in DEBUG?
Exit or move away
What is the D in DEBUG?
Don't pay attention, ignore
When do we use DEBUG?
When there is a problem
what is the fourth step to staying calm (when you are pushed or hit)?
MOVE: move away if they wont stop or are threatening
What is the third step to staying calm (When you are hit or pushed)?
ASK: Ask the person to stop, or if it was an accident
What is the second step to staying calm (when you are hit or pushed)?
COUNT: wait and count to 10 before you react
What is the first step to staying calm (when you are hit or pushed)?
THINK: was that an accident or did they mean to
Which emotion are you showing when you are calm?
Name a reason that it is important to stay calm during conflict?
Reduces the chance of a fight, Shows respect for others, keeps you safer, and helps to obey the rules
Name a reason that it is important to stay calm during conflict?
Reduces the chance of a fight, Shows respect for others, keeps you safer, and helps to obey the rules
What does staying calm mean?
Being in control of your emotions