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Speaking Activity Next Move 4 UNITS 7-8.

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did Cinderella wear to the party last year?
She wore a new dress to the party last year.
Did you write a letter last week?
Yes, I did. I wrote a letter to my teacher last week / No, I didn't. I (read a book) last week.
When do you give your best effort?
I give my best effort when I do my homework / when I clean my bedroom / when I study at school.
Is there enough soda for the party?
No, there isn't enough soda for the party.
Did you swim last Saturday?
Yes, I did. I swam in the pool last Saturday / No, I didn't. I (played soccer) last Saturday.
How much juice is there?
There are ten cartons of juice.
How much salad is there?
There is a bowl of salad / There's a bowl of salad / There is some salad / There's some salad.
What did you do last night?
I (did my homework) last night.
What did you you have for breakfast yesterday?
I had (sausages and eggs) for breakfast yesterday.
When did you listen to music?
I listened to music (yesterday) / Yesterday, I listened to music.
How much soda is there?
There is a can of soda / There is some soda / There's a can of soda / There's some soda.
How much honey is there?
There is a jar of honey / There is some honey / There's a jar of honey / There's some honey.
Is there any chicken in the picture?
Yes, there is some chicken in the picture / Yes, there's some chicken.
How many cans of soda are there in this picture?
There are four cans of soda in this picture / There are four cans of soda.
Is there any milk in the picture?
Yes, there is some milk in the picture / Yes, there is a bottle of milk in the picture.
Is there any cheese in the picture?
Yes, there is some cheese in the picture / Yes, there's some cheese.
Are there any bananas in the picture?
No, there aren't any bananas in the picture / No, there aren't any bananas.
Is there any bread in the picture?
Yes, there is some bread in the picture / Yes, there's a loaf of bread in the picture.
Is there any chicken in the picture?
No, there isn't any chicken in the picture / No, there isn't any.
Where do you buy your food?
I buy my food in (a/the supermarket).
What did your mom/dad make for breakfast today?
My mom/My dad made (eggs and bread) for breakfast today.
What did your mom/dad make for dinner yesterday?
My mom/My dad made (rice with chicken) for dinner yesterday.
Do you eat nuts?
Yes, I do. I eat nuts / Yes, I eat nuts / No, I don't. I eat (chicken).
Do you eat mushrooms?
Yes, I do. I eat mushrooms / Yes, I eat mushrooms / No, I don't. I eat (nuts).
Do you drink coffee?
Yes, I do. I drink coffee / Yes, I drink coffee / No, I don't. I drink (tea).
Do you drink tea?
Yes, I do. I drink tea / Yes, I drink tea / No, I don't. I drink (coffee).
What food do you like?
I like (hamburgers).
Do you like kebabs?
Yes, I do. I like kebabs / Yes, I like kebabs / No, I don't. I like (salad).
Do you eat salad?
Yes, I do. I eat salad / Yes, I eat salad / No, I don't. I eat (hamburgers).
Do you like yogurt?
Yes, I do. I like yogurt / Yes, I like yogurt / No, I don't. I like ice cream / No, I don't like yogurt.