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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They/ always run inside the house/ never walk
they are always running inside the house they are never walking.
She/ always talk on the phone. never do home work
she is always talking on the phone. he is never doing her homework.
He/ always watch TV/ never do exercise
He is always watching TV. he is never doing exercise.
He/ always eat junk food/ never eat healthy food
he is always eating junk food . he is never eating healthy food.
you/ always put things everywhere/ never tidy up the room
You are always putting things everywhere. you are never tidying up your room.
They/ always make so much noise / never keep quiet at night
They are always making so much noise. They are never keeping quiet at night
you/ always lie on the sofa/ never do house work
You are always lying on the sofa. you are never doing house work
 He/always listen to loud music/ never listen to soft music
He is always listening to loud music he is never listening to soft music.
She/always shop/ never save money
she is always shopping. she is never saving  money.
You/always... coppy homework / you never ...do homework yourself
you are always coppying my homework. you are never doing homework yourself.