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Past Simple Questions

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did you see at the zoo? I ________ wild animals.
I SAW wild animals.
What did your mum cook yesterday? She _________ a cake
She cooked a cake.
How did you travel to school? I __________ by bus.
I travelled by bus
What did you do a week ago? I ________ a party.
I HAD a party.
What did you do last weekend? I _________ a marathon.
I RAN a marathon.
Where did you sit? I ________ at the front.
I SAT at the front.
What did you do yesterday? I _________ a sand castle.
I BUILT a sand castle.
What did you watch? I _________ Over the Moon
I watched Over the Moon
Who did Harry meet? He __________Minerva McGonagall
He met Minerva McGonagall
What time did she arrive? She __________ at ____________
He arrived at seven o'clock
What did you eat? I ___________ spaghetti.
I ATE spaghetti.
Where did you go? I __________ to the cinema
I WENT to the cinema