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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I prefer having ... with my friends , because I can see them.
face-to-face conversations
There are some different ways of ... , for example face-to-face conversations or sending text messages.
If you need to speak to somebody from another country, ... is what you need.
a video chat
Nowadays hardly any people use ... phones, because there are much more modern ways to communicate.
I can't hear you. The ... is so bad.
I would like to ... new ... . I like yours.
download a new ringtone
Please, don't ... ! Listen to me!
hang up
Oh, Anna, hi! Everybony wants to hear you. I'll ... .
put on speakerphone
(On the phone) I can't answer the phone now, so you can ... , and I'll call you back later.
leave a voicemail
Mark, your phone ... . Can't you hear that?
is ringing
Sarah got a ... from her mom. She must go home.
text message
The line is busy now, so I'll ... Kathy ... later.
call Kathy back
Could you ... me as soon as possible?
She doesn't have Jim's number in her phone. That's why she needs to ...
dial it
I can't make any phone calls. I need to ... my phone.
top up
I can't talk to George, because the line ...
is busy/engaged