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Book 3 - Tag Questions

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Your friend wouldn't do that, ____?
Your friend wouldn't do that, would he/she?
The girl can dance the waltz, ____?
The girl can dance the waltz, can't she?
Megan won't visit her parents next month, ____?
Megan won't visit her parents next month, will she?
Your father wasn't home last night, ___?
Your father wasn't home last night, was he?
Michael likes Mexican food, ____?
Michael likes Mexican food, doesn't he?
She doesn't live here, ____?
She doesn't live here, does she?
He has started a new job, ____?
He has started a new job, hasn't he?
You didn't finish the report, ____?
You didn't finish the report, did you?
The boys went to school, ____?
The boys went to school, didn't they?
The children weren't paying attention, ___?
The children weren't paying attention, were they?
Your husband had to travel, ____?
Your husband had to travel, didn't he?
We are going to watch the film, ____?
We are going to watch the film, aren't we?
The car has broken, _____?
The car has broken, hasn't it?
The customer came here last week, _______?
The customer came here last week, didn't he?
Mary will finish the course, _______?
Mary will finish the course, won't she?
Your sister has a son, ______?
Your sister has a son, doesn't she?