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Sports Vocabulary 3º ESO

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Extra points! Say a sentence about this picture using present continuous:
For example: "The man is playing golf"
They are playing basketball on a basketball ________ .
Extra points! Say a sentence about this picture using present continuous:
For example: "The men are playing basketball"
The kangaroo is defeating the other boxer: is the kangaroo winning or losing?
the kangaroo is winning
Choose the correct verb: play / do / go judo
do judo
Who is this?
(a) goalkeeper
Extra points! Say a sentence about this picture using present continuous:
For example, "The woman is doing gymnastics"
Choose the correct verb: play / do / go karate
do karate
Choose the correct verb: do / score / make a goal
score a goal
What sport is this?
Choose the correct verb: play / do / go scuba diving
go scuba diving
In baseball, you hit the ball with a _________ .
In volleyball, you hit the ball over the __________ .
They are playing football on a football ________ .
Make a sentence in the present continuous: The people / swim / in the sea
The people are swimming in the sea.
Choose the correct verb: play / do / go rugby
play rugby
They are playing tennis on a tennis ________ .
Extra points! Say a sentence about this picture using present continuous:
For example: "The girl is reading a book"
This person keeps you safe when you're swimming
Choose the correct verb: play / do / go mountain biking
go montain biking
What are these?
Make a sentence in the present continuous: They / play / badminton / at the moment
They are playing badminton at the moment.
This person keeps order in a football match
These protect your eyes when you're swimming
(swimming) goggles