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Before and After + ing (Stage 11, Term 1)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I was sweating a lot ___ (run) to class.
I was sweating a lot after running to class. / I was sweating a lot after I run to class.
She often enjoys a nice cup of tea ___ (go) to bed.
She often enjoys a nice cup of tea before going to bed. / She often enjoys a nice cup of tea before she goes to bed.
My body always feels great ___ (exercise).
My body always feels great after exercising. / My body always feels great after I exercise.
I always feel stressed ___ (have) an exam.
I always feel stressed before having an exam. / I always feel stressed before  I have an exam.
I'll go to bed ___ (watch) a movie.
I'll go to bed after watching a movie. / I'll go to bed after I'll watch a movie.
If I drink coffee ___ (go) to bed,  I can't sleep.
If I drink coffee before going to bed, I can't sleep. / If I drink coffee before I go to bed, I can't sleep.
I discovered how nice korean are ____ (travel) to Seoul.
I discovered how nice korean are after travelling to Seoul. / I discovered how nice korean are after I travelled to Seoul.
I didn't know how amazing Hawaii Islands were ___ (visit) the US
I didn't know how amazing Hawaii Islands were before visiting the US. / I didn't know how amazing Hawaii Islands were before I visited the US.
I didn't know how interesting the Louvre museum was ___ (visit) Paris.
I didn't know how interesting the Louvre museum was before visiting Paris. / I didn't know how interesting the Louvre museum was before I visited Paris.
I slept all day yesterday ___ (play) games all night.
I slept all day yesterday after playing games all night. / I slept all day yesterday after I played games all night.
I was unhappy ___ (meet) you. Now I'm feeling great!
I was unhappy before meeting you. Now I'm feeling great! / I was unhappy before I meet you. Now I'm feeling great!
I used to go to work by foot  ___  (get) my driving license.
I used to go to work by foot before getting my driving license. / I used to go to work by foot before I got my driving license.
I never drink too much water ___ (sleep) .
I never drink too much water before sleeping. / I never drink too much water before I sleep.
You should always stretch ___ (exercise).
You should always stretch before-after exercising. / You should always stretch before-after we exercise
I always brush my teeth ___ (eat) breakfast.
I always brush my teeth after eating breakfast. / I always brush my teeth after I eat my breakfast.