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Int.4 Final Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Have you ever been to Kenya?
Yes, I have.
How much modeling clay do they have? (2)
They have a little modeling clay.
How much masking tape do we have? (6)
We have six rolls of masking tape.
Answer: No, he doesn't.
Does he have enough cooking oil?
Answer: Yes, he does.
Does he have enough salt?
Answer: He needs a half cup of water.
How much water does he need?
Answer: He's walking quickly.
Is he walking slowly or quickly?
Answer: He's talking loudly.
How is he talking?
Answer: No, I rarely do.
Do you iron your clothes before you go to bed?
Answer: Yes, I usually do.
Do you floss your teeth before you go to bed?
Has she gone rafting before?
No, she hasn't.
Has she climbed mountain before?
Yes, she has.
Has she ever been to India?
No, she hasn't.
Has she ever been to Italy?
Yes, she has.
Have you ever been to Italy?
No, I haven't.
Have you ever been to India?
Yes, I have.
How much cardboard do they have? (7)
They have a lot of cardboard.
How many aprons do they have? (2)
They have a few aprons.
How much cardboard do we have? (5)
We have five sheets of cardboard.
How many aprons do we have? (3)
We have three aprons.
Does she have enough food coloring? (Yes)
Yes, she does.
How much flour does he need?
He needs a cup of flour.
Is she writing carefully or carelessly?
She's writing carelessly.
How is he writing?
He's writing carefully.
Do you check your calendar before you go to bed? (always)
Yes, I always do.