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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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'Don't go out with your friends this weekend, William.' William's dad told
William's dad told him not to go out with his friends that weeekend.
'Don't come this way, Ashley, because it's dangerous.' She warned ...
She warned Ashley not to come that way because it was dangerous.
'I didn't take the CD.' Taylor denied ...
Taylor denied taking the CD.
'No, I won't let them take my photo'. The actor refused ...
The actor refused to let them take his photo.
'Ella took the book from the library'. She accused ...
She accused Ella of taking the book from the library.
'I'm sorry I didn't wait for you, Emma.' Connor apologised ...
Connor apologised to Emma for not waiting for her.
'We don't want to watch a film tonight', the children said.
The children said (that) they didn't want to watch a film that night.
He said: 'I'd like to buy this jumper'.
He said he would like to buy that jumper.
She said: 'I haven't finished my homework yet'.
She said (that) she hadn't finished her homework yet.
'I won't be learning English this evening.' he told us.
He told us (that) he wouldn't be learning English that evening.
Mum told me: 'You must leave early tomorrow'.
Mum told me (that) I had to leave early the next day/the following day.
Tom said: 'This meal is delicious'.
Tom said (that) the meal was delicious.
They said: 'We may visit Miss Yana tonight'.
They said (that) they might visit Miss Yana that night.
She said to him: 'We've been invited to a party'.
She said to him/told him (that) they had been invited to a party.
'Can you speak a foreign language?' he asked her.
He asked her if/whether she could speak a foreign language.
'Who broke my vase?' She asked.
She asked who had broken her vase.
'Who called you today?' she asked.
She asked who had called me that day.
The teacher asked: 'What time are you going home today'?
The teacher asked what time I was going home that day.
Do you like playing football? John asked us.
John asked us if/whether we liked playing football.
'Where do you live?' I asked her.
I asked her where she lived.