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Order the Words: Comparative Quiz

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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is / my last job. / My current job / busy
My current job is busier than my last job.
big / rabbits / are  / gorillas / stronger / and
Gorillas are bigger and stronger than rabbits.
go / bicycles / can / fast / Motorbikes
Motorbikes can go faster than bicycles.
a computer from 1990. / fast /  is / A computer from 2022
A computer from 2022 is faster than a computer from 1990.
Amazon /  big  / is / Target.
Amazon / is / big / Target.
dolphins. / Whales / are / long
Whales are the longest animals.
is / than / shorter / younger / my / me / sister
My younger sister is shorter than me.
are / than / cheaper / toys / jewelry
Toys are cheaper than jewelry.
computer / Your / is / than / laptop / your / lighter
Your laptop is lighter than your computer.
higher / faster / birds / airplanes / than / and / fly
Airplanes fly higher and faster than birds.
more / is / silver / than / expensive / gold
Gold is more expensive than silver.
I / year / last / I'm / than / was / smarter
I'm smarter than I was last year.
cats / bigger / than / are / dogs
Dogs are bigger than cats.
sister? / than / you / Are / older / your
Are you older than your sister?
my / dad / than / I'm / younger
I'm younger than my dad.