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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This is _________ pizza I've ever had. (Bad)
the worst
Sarah is  ________ at maths. (Good)
the best
Michigan is ________ place in the world! (Good)
the best
The Nile is ___________ river in the world. (Long)
the longest
France is _______________ tourist destination. (popular)
the most popular
My sister is __________ of my family. (sporty)
the sportiest
My horse is ______________ pet I've ever had. (nervous)
the most nervous
I'm _________ at playing basketball. (Bad)
the worst
I am  _____________ of the class. (intelligent)
the most intelligent
My father is  ________ of my family. (Fat)
the fattest
The whale is ____________ animal. (Big)
the biggest
Pizza is  ____________ food. (delicious)
the most delicious
It is _______ . (ugly)
the ugliest.
I am _______ student of the class. (good)
the best
My cat is _________ . (cute)
the cutest
Her hair is _________. (long)
the longest
This is ___________ phone I've ever had. (cheap)
the cheapest
Mount Everest is _________ mountain in the world. (high)
the highest
Sam is ________________ boy in the whole school. (handsome)
the most handsome
That was ________ movie ever. (Good)
the best
I am ____________ person in my family. (short)
the shortest
This is _______________ book I have ever read. (interesting)
the most interesting
He is ____________ boy in our class. (smart)
the smartest
Jupiter is _________ planet in our solar system. (Big)
the biggest
These are ________________ jeans. (comfortable)
the most comfortable