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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a comparison using: BAD.
The emoji scored worse than the boy.
Make a comparison using: GOOD.
The boy scored better than the emoji.
Make a comparison using: FAT.
The first boy is fatter than the second boy.
Make a comparison using: IMPORTANT.
Love is more important than money.
Make a comparison using: EXPENSIVE.
The blue dress is more expensive than the purple one.
Make a comparison using: DIRTY.
The boy is dirtier than the girl.
Make a comparison using: COLD.
The second boy is colder than the first boy.
Make a comparison using: LONG.
The snake is longer than the caterpillar.
Make a comparison using: FAST.
The car is faster than the motorcycle.
Make a comparison using: FAST.
The car is faster than the motorcycle.
What's the comparative form of: THIN?
What's the comparative form of: HOT?
What's the comparative form of: CRAZY?
What's the comparative form of: FUNNY?
What's the comparative form of: HAPPY?
What's the comparative form of: BAD?
What's the comparative form of: GOOD?
What's the comparative form of: BORING?
More boring
What's the comparative form of: INTERESTING?
More interesting
What's the comparative form of: BEAUTIFUL?
More beautiful
What's the comparative form of: DANGEROUS?
More dangerous
What's the comparative form of: SMALL?
What's the comparative form of: BIG?
What's the comparative form of: TALL?
What's the comparative form of: SHORT?