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IT terms (for teens)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When do you go offline ?
Explain what is a BUG on internet
it´s a problem in a program
what's a thread on twitter ?
it´s a sequence of messages about the same subject
Have you ever stalked someone? Have you ever been stalked by someone ?
Which browser do you use on your computer/laptop ?
Mozilla, Edge, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Saffari
How often do you change your password ? how do you memorize them ?
What is a SPAM ?
advertising you get on your email
How do you deal with notifications on your phone ?
I block/delete/don't mind them.
When do you usually reply on your social medias ?
when I ....
What kind of information do you SHARE/BOOKMARK on your social networks ?
when you want to know about something you ______ on internet. New verb that means RESEARCH
What's the difference between sign in/ sign up ??
Sign up - put the information for the first time Sign in - after you sign up
Airplane mode is useful when .....
you don't want to be seen, you want to save some battery
How many apps/games did you last buy ?? Tell the names
I ........ my friend yesterday and he hasn't replied yet. Instead of "type", we use .....
texted - text
Name three (famous or not) people/companies you follow
Whats the difference between block and unfollow someone ?
Block - the person don't have access to your info Unfollow - the person can have access but you don't.
What's the difference with upload and download ?
Upload - you send to the cloud/internet Download - you get from the cloud/internet
When I send a message/an e-mail with another document, this document is an ....
I download it from....
When you open an attachment you need to be careful because....
It may/might have a virus