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Birds part 2

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What bird is this?
parrot has a big beak
ostrich/ big body
ostrich has a big body.
owl/ soft feather
owl has soft feather
flamingo/ pink feather
flamingo has pink feather
crow/ black feather
crow has black feather
turkey / big tail
Turkey has a big tail
peacock/long  beautiful tail
peacock has long beautiful tail
swan/ long white neck 
swan has long white neck
penguin/ short wings
penguin has short wings
seagull/thin legs
seagull has thin legs
sparrow/ brown feather
sparrow has brown feather
woodpecker / strong beak
woodpecker has a strong beak
king fisher/ long beak
kingfisher has a long beak
humming bird/ small wings
humming bird has small wings
eagle/ sharp eyes
eagle has sharp eyes.