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Past Simple

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My cat ............(widzieć) a lion in the mirror.
My cat saw a lion in the mirror.
My cat ............(widzieć) a lion in the mirror.
My cat saw a lion in the mirror.
........they....... (czy oni biegać) last weekend.
Did they run last weekend.
She ...........(nie smiać się) yesterday.
She didn't smile yesterday.
I .........(rozmawiać) with my boss two weeks ago.
I spoke with my boss two weeks ago.
We ........(nie pomagać) our mum in the kitchen last Sunday.
We didn't help our mumin the kitchen last Sunday.
My aunt .......(być) at the library yesterday.
My aunt was at the library yesterday.
I ........(widzieć) five dogs on the street last night.
I saw five dogs on the street last night.
.......you....... (czy pisać) a letter to your friend last weekend?
Did you write a letter to your friend last weekend?
She .........(brać) two painkillers two hours ago.
She took two painkillers two hours ago.
.......they....... (czy oni iść) to the cinema last week?
Did they go to the cinema last week?
They ...........(spotkać się) in the park last Sunday.
They met at the park last Monday.
My friend ........(nie przyjechać) in Poland last week.
My friend didn't arrive in Poland last week.
My dad ..........(zepsuć) our new TV last night.
My dad broke our new TV last night.
It ..............(nie padać) yesterday.
It didn't rain yesterday.
My best friend ............(przyjść) to my birthday party.
My best friend came to my birthday party.
Tina ..........(pracować) very hard last year.
Tina worked very hard last year.
He didn't .........(brać) any photos of the Queen last summer.
She didn't take any photos of the Queen last summer.
She ..........(widzieć) you yesterday.
She saw you yesterday.
They............ (wygrać) a school competition.
They won a school competition.
What ......... she .........(oglądać) yesterday?
What did she watch yesterday?