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Ecosystems 6º acl

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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name one endangered animal.
giant panda , tiger, blue whale , Asian elephant.....
Name the ecosystem and give the name of 2 organisms that live in it
Tundra. Polar bears, penguins, seals.
Name the types of artificial ecosystems
terrestrial (parks, farms), aquatic (aquariums, ponds), Urban (cities towns)
Name the types of aquatic ecosystems
marine (seas / oceans), fresh (lakes / rivers)
Name the types of terrestrial ecosystems.
Savannas, deserts, tundra, forests.....
Name the 3 types of ecosystems
Terrestrial, aquatic, artificial
What is the difference between a habitat and a community?
A habitat is the area where organisms live, whereas a community is a group that interacts.
What is a community?
A group of various species that interact.
What is population?
A group of the same species living in a specific area.
What is an organism?
An individual living thing.
What is a habitat?
An area where organisms live.
Name the ecosystem and give the name of 2 organisms that live in it
Rainforest. Monkeys, jaguars, pelicans
Name the ecosystem and give the name of 2 organisms that live in it
Forest / woods. Owls, foxes, squirrels.....
Name the ecosystem and give the name of 2 organisms that live in it
Savanna. Buffalo, lions, leopards, and cheetahs.....