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Activities around the house.

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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As a grown up, I am used to...
Free answer - Don't forget: TO BE USED TO + VERB(ING). (I do it all the time, I am accustomed to it.)
As a teenager I got used to...
Free answer - Don't forget: GET USED TO + VERB(ING). (I am still in the process of doing it.)
When I was a child, I used to...
Free answer - Don't forget:  USED + infinitive. (I don't do it anymore.)
What is she doing?
Hanging up clothes.
This activity used to be more commonly performed in the past. What is she doing?
Polishing the silver.
What is this person doing?
Doing the laundry
What is something you can't get used to doing around the house?
I can't get used to...
What are you still getting used to doing around the house?
I am still getting used to ...
What is this person doing?
Slicing a tomato
What is this person doing?
Grating cheese.
What is this person doing?
Chopping onions. 
What chore did you use to do as a child?
I used to take out the trash.
What chore did you use to do as a child?
I used to vacuum the floor/house/hugs.
What chore did you use to do as a child?
I used to put away/ organize my toys.
What chore are you used to doing around the house?
I am used to dusting the furniture.
What chore are you used to doing around the house?
I am used to sweeping the floor.
What chore are you used to doing around the house?
I am used to cooking.