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A2+ Gold Experience Unit 2 Present tenses

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do you currently do / Are you currently doing an unusual hobby?
Are you currently doing an unusual hobby?
What chores do you hardly ever do? What chores are you hardly ever doing?
What chore do you hardly ever do?
What activity do you get / are you getting better at?
What activity are you getting better at?
What sport are you doing / do you do at the moment at school?
What sport are you doing at the moment at school?
What new hobby do you think / are you thinking of starting soon?
What new hobby are you thinking of starting soon?
What activity do you do /are you doing most weekends?
What activity do you do most weekends?
What time is the film starting tonight? What time does the film start tonight?
What time does the film start tonight?
What sport are you occasionally playing / do you occasionally play?
What sport do you occasionally play?
Are boys and girls doing/Do girls and boys do the same sports in Spain?
Do girls and boys do the same sports in Spain?
What new things do you learn / are you learning at the moment?
What new things are you learning at the moment?
What sport do you watch/are you watching on TV?
What sport do you watch on TV?
What sports do you do/are you doing in your free time?
What sports do you do?