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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My younger sister has a very……………….character from me. (different/same/the same)
Classical music is not……………….as rock music. (as exciting/ more exciting/ the same)
as exciting
This car doesn’t cost……………….the other one because it’s not new. (the same/ as many as/as much as)
as much as
You can eat………………. much……………….you like. (as/from - as/as - the same/as)
I think the price of this painting is ________ of that one. (the same as the price/the same/the same as)
the same as the price
Painting ______ from drawing. (is quite different/ is the most different/ is as different)
is quite different
I realize that the difficulty of playing the piano _______as playing the drums. (is same/ isn't same/ is the same)
is the same
Schools in England ________ from those in Vietnam. (is different/isn't different/the same)
is different
The cost of living in the country isn't _______ the cost of living in big cities. (as cheap as/as expensive as/ the same)
as expensive as
Do you think that her personality is _______ as mine. (different/as good as/ the same)
the same
Kim's opinion on photography is the same as mine. (Correct or Incorrect)
I think Iron Man 2 is different from Iron Man 1. (Correct or Incorrect)
My new friend in the guitar club is the same age as me. (Correct or Incorrect)
Classical music is different than modern music. (Correct or Incorrect)
Incorrect. Classical music is different from modern music.
Your taste in music is quite different as mine. (Correct or Incorrect)
Incorrect. Your taste in music is quite different from mine.
My mother is as busy as a bee. (Correct or Incorrect)
Her voice is not as beautiful as your. (Correct or Incorrect)
Incorrect. Her voice is not as beautiful as yours.
The film is the same from I thought at first. (Correct or Incorrect)
Incorrect. The film is the same as I thought at first.
This room is as big as that room. (Correct or Incorrect)
Classical music and modern music are different. (Correct or Incorrect)