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a/an/the/- part 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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One day I will visit ... Brazil and see ... Amazon Jungle.
One day I will visit Brazil and see the Amazon Jungle.
... guitar is ... musical instrument.
A guitar is a musical instrument.
I'm allergic to ... nuts.
I'm allergic to nuts.
Happy birthday, Marlena! I wish you ... love and ... satisfaction.
Happy birthday, Marlena! I wish you love and satisfaction.
... Prince Charles went down with coronavirus and was taken to ... hospital.
Prince Charles went down with coronavirus and was taken to hospital.
My aunt is ... nurse, she works at ... hospital at Kondratowicza Street.
My aunt is a nurse, she works at the hospital at Kondratowicza Street.
... Prince Charles went down with coronavirus and was taken to ... hospital.
Prince Charles went down with coronavirus and was taken to hospital.
... Andrzej Duda is going to take part in ... presidential elections.
Andrzej Duda is going to take part in ... the presidential elections.
... my dog is faster than ... Nowak's dog.
My dog is faster than the Nowak's dog.
.... Vistula is ... longest river in Poland.
The Vistula is the longest river in Poland.
... Prince Charles went down with coronavirus.
Prince Charles went down with coronavirus.
Mum's in ... kitchen.
Mum's in the kitchen.
... phone is Mary's but ... pens aren't hers.
The phone is Mary's but the pens aren't hers.
She bought ... T-shirts and ... jacket yesterday.
She bought T-shirts and a jacket yesterday.
I don't usually eat ... fish but I ate some of ... carp you made for Christmas.
I don't usually eat fish but I ate some of the carp you made for Christmas.
Look! .... car is going to hit ... cat.
Look! The car is going to hit the cat.
My dream is to see ... Great Wall of China.
My dream is to see the Great Wall of China.
I've never wanted to be ... waiter, but here I am, serving ... food in ... restaurant.
I've never wanted to be a waiter, but here I am, serving food in a/the restaurant.
My dream is to see ... Great Wall of China.
My dream is to see the Great Wall of China.
I live in ... small town in ... north of Poland.
I live in a small town in the north of Poland.