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Rocks & Minerals

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do igneous and sedimentary rock need to become metamorphic rock?
heat and pressure
What are two forces that cause weathering?
water, wind, ice
What are two forces of erosion?
water, ice, wind, or gravity
What is igneous rock made of?
magma that has cooled
TRUE or FALSE - Rocks are natural resources.
What is the Earth made of?
What is melted rock that is found deep in the Earth?
What kind of rock is formed when other rocks are exposed to heat and pressure?
metamorphic rock
What are small rocks called?
What is a large rock called?
What kind of rock is formed from sediment that sticks together and hardens?
sedimentary rock
What is small pieces of rock, soil, and sand called?
Which type of rock is formed when magma cools and hardens?
What is the process during which sediment is moved from one place to a new place?
What is the process during with rocks are broken down into smaller pieces by wind, water, or ice?