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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I believe I can fly. Flying.
Break the bank.
Something expensive.
Black sheep.
Up in the air.
No decision has been made yet.
Hello darkness, my old friend.
Someone who is constantly in the company of misery/sadness.
Cabin fever.
Bored due to staying at one place for too long.
Jump the shark.
Take extreme measures.
That is word salad!
When someone says something but the message is too confusing for the other person to understand.
Skin of your teeth.
Just barely doing something.
Cut me some slack.
To pardon someone for their mistakes after they have been trying hard.
A night owl.
Someone who stays up late at night.
Out of hand.
Out of control.
Caught red-handed.
Caught doing something WHILE DOING IT.
Miss the boat/train.
To be late.
Mark my words.
Bold predictions that usually comes true.
Hit the nail on the head.
Got the correct answer.
Pulling someone's leg.
Bite the bullet.
Do something that you do not want to do but HAVE TO do.
Under the weather.
To feel bad.
I could eat a horse.
Very hungry.
Between a rock and a hard place.
Tough decision.
Fork in the road.
Tough decision.
Life is a highway...I wanna ride it all night long!
Life is extremely long with lots of changes.
It is all lights and smoke.
It is all a show.
Take no prisoners!
Show no mercy.
Follow your instincts.
Follow you believe in and only YOU (not anyone else's).
Have a clean slate.
Start from zero/scratch (often referred to someone/something that has a lot of negativity/bad).
Smell of roses.
Smells good.
A diamond in the rough.
Someone/something that is unpolished/raw but can be better/has potential.
Laughing is the best medicine to sadness.
Being optimistic.
Time is money!
Don't waste your time/hurry up.
She is an angel.
She is kind.
He is a walking encyclopedia.
He is very smart.
That is music to my ears.
Something that you want to hear.
She has a heart of stone.
She is cold and cruel.