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Will vs. Going to

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"Where are you going?" "I _____ shop something for dinner."
am going to
"The ceiling in this room doesn't feel very save." "That's true, it looks like it _____ fall down."
is going to
"Look! There is a fire! I _____ call the 911."
"Why are you filling the bucket with water?" "I _____ wash my car."
am going to
"I have a terrible headache." "Wait! I _____ get you an aspirin."
"Jane, have fun at the party!" "Thanks, I promise I _____ be late."
I _____ get a job this summer. I need the money.
am going to
I'm so tired! I _____ get up early tomorrow.
am not going to
Alan, promise me you _____ drink all the juice. I want some too.
I'm not feeling well. I _____ faint.
am going to
My parents _____ be very proud. I've passed all the exams .
I'm so excited! We _____ move to a bigger house next month.
are going to
Mum is unemployed but she _____ apply for that job because it isn't well-paid.
isn't going to
James Jones _____ probably become the new president of the US.
"The phone is ringing! I'm in the shower!" "Don't worry, Mark, I _____ answer for you!"
My brother _____ be 25 in October.
George _____ probably go to the concert.
Don't worry mum, you can relax at home. I _____ pick Tommy up from school today.
There are no clouds in the sky. It _____ be a beautiful day.
is going to
Look! Pamela _____ jump into the swimming pool.
is going to
We _____ probably go mountaineering next week.
I'm afraid Helen _____ pass her final exam because she didn't study hard enough.
Steve is tired. He _____ take a short nap.
is going to
I think people _____ speak one language someday.
Diana has gone to the gym so she _____ wash her hair this afternoon.
is going to
Your T-shirt has a stain. _____ (you) wash it?
are you going to
_____ you lend me a pen? I've got nothing to write with.
I _____ spend the money I've been saving for the last five months on a new laptop.
am going to
I promise! I _____ eat more candy before dinner.
I _____ call Lizzy as soon as I''m back.
I hope I _____ be happy when I grow up.
_____ Jessie be back home soon? I need to talk to her.
Next year my sister _____ learn how to drive a car. She will be 18.
is going to
Mum has bought eggs, flour and fruit. She _____ bake a cake.
is going to
"I _____ help you with your project."