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Just Thinking Unit 1

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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athlete, company, 诇驻转讞
住驻讜专讟讗讬, 讞讘专专讛, develop
heat, protect,诪讜爪专
讞讜诐, 诇讛讙谉,product
popular, comfort,诇讬讬砖专
驻讜驻讜诇专讬, 谞讜讞讜转, straighten
material, invention, 谞讜讞
讞讜诪专, 讛诪爪讗讛, comfortable
protect, heat, 驻讜驻讜诇专讬
诇讛讙谉, 讞讜诐,popular
develop, athlete, 讞讜诪专
诇驻转讞, 住驻讜专讟讗讬, material
famous, straighten,谞讜讞讜转
诪驻讜专住诐, 诇讬讬砖专, comfort
product, develop,讛诪爪讗讛
诪讜爪专, 诇驻转讞,invention
company, athlete,诇讛讙谉
讞讘专讛, 住驻讜专讟讗讬, protect
material, heat, 诇讬讬砖专
讞讜诪专, 讞讜诐,straighten
famous, develop,驻讜驻讜诇专讬
诪驻讜专住诐, 诇驻转讞, popular
straighten, material, 谞讜讞
诇讬讬砖专, 讞讜诪专, comfortable
invention, athlete,诇驻转讞
讛诪爪讗讛, 住驻讜专讟讗讬, develop
company, comfortable,讛诪爪讗讛
讞讘专讛, 谞讜讞, invention
protect, develop,讞讜诐
诇讛讙谉, 诇驻转讞,heat
straighten, famous,谞讜讞讜转
诇讬讬砖专, 诪驻讜专住诐,comfort
product, comfortable,讞讜诪专
诪讜爪专, 谞讜讞,material
invention, company,诪讜爪专
讛诪爪讗讛, 讞讘专讛, product
athlete, develop,讞讜诪专
住驻讜专讟讗讬, 诇驻转讞,material
straighten, company, 讞讜诐
诇讬讬砖专, 讞讘专讛, heat
protect, comfort, 讛诪爪讗讛
诇讛讙谉, 谞讜讞讜转,invention
material, comfortable,讞讘专讛
讞讜诪专, 谞讜讞, company
popular, straighten,诇驻转讞
驻讜驻讜诇专讬, 诇讬讬砖专, develop