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Civil War

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What were the 3 major causes of the Civil War?
Slavery, states rights and sectionalism
What were some of the advantages of the Confederacy during the Civil War?
1. Familiar with the land 2. Strong military tradition 3. Fighting to preserve their way of life
What were some of the advantages of the Union during the Civil War?
1. larger population 2. more money 3. more railroads and supplies
What happened at Appomattox Courthouse?
The Civil War ended when Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant
Where did the Civil War end?
at Appomattox Courthouse
What did Lincoln state in the Second Inaugural Address?
That it was time to bring the nation back together "with malice towards none and charity for all"; he wanted to be merciful to the south
What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?
it stated that all slaves in the Confederacy were free beginning January 1, 1863
What did Lincoln state in his First Inaugural Address?
That he was anti-slavery; slavery was the only issue between the north and the south; his job as president was to protect the union
In what speech did Lincoln state that "a government of the people by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth"?
Gettysburg Address
What battle is known as the turning point of the Civil War?
What battle allowed the Union to gain control of the Mississippi River and split the Confederacy in half?
What battle is known as the single bloodiest day of the war?
During what years did the Civil War occur?
What was the first battle of the Civil War?
Fort Sumter
Who became president of the United States after Lincoln was assassinated?
Andrew Johnson
Who led the Union forces that led a march to the sea and Georgia by waging total war on the South?
William Tecumseh Sherman
Who was the president of the Confederacy?
Jefferson Davis
Who was the president of the Union during the Civil War?
Abraham Lincoln
Who was the general of the Confederate army?
Robert E. Lee
Who was the general of the Union Army?
Ulysses S. Grant