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Tall stories

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mary's story didn't (disguise / make / fool) me. I knew she was lying.
In his letter, he explains his (reasons / oppose) the new leadership.
reasons for opposing
I've agreed (help) with our school's next fundraising event.
to help
Is it (manipulative / ethical / thruthful) to buy expensive electronic devices when the people that make them are paid so little?
If you (exagerrate / swear / cheat), your test paper won't be accepted.
After collecting them at school, Stephen (lie / mother) his exam results.
lied to his mother about
You promised (not / tell) anyone about our secret place.
not to tell
You're (manipulative / biased / hypocritical) about the referee's decision because you want your team to win.
I (swear / tell / disguise) that I didn't take your watch. It wasn't me!
The student tried to (pass / essay) her own, despite having copied it.
pass the essay off as
We congratulated my uncle on (win) the photo competition.
That shop is looking for a (trustworthy / direct / open) person to look after their accounts.
Don't (exagerrate / fool / photoshop)! You can't have walked 100 km!
I just confronted my friend and she has finally (admit / take) my laptop yesterday.
admitted (to) taking
Kevin insisted on (pay) for our meal, although I was quite happy to share the bill.
If you aren't (biased / truthful / ethical) with me about your part in the incident, I won't be able to trust you again.
Why don't you just (cheat / disguise / make) an excuse if you don't want to go to the party?