Edit Game
Unit 4 lesson 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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khalid is play football .
He is play football .
Ali is play computer games .
He is play computer games .
Gala is play basketball .
She is play  basketball . 
Are you ______ now ? ( go )
Are you going now
What are you ( Talk )
What are you ( Talking )
What are you ( Read book )
What are you reading book .
What are you ( Study )
What are you studying .
What are you ( Play )
What are you playing
What are you ( Watch )
What are you watching .
What are you (Do )
What are you doing .
Thay _____ buying drinks and popcorn .
Thay are buying drinks and popcorn .
Badr is ______ a book in the living room . ( read )
Badr is reading a book in the living room .
T.shaykha ____studying english .
T.shaykha is studying english .
Ali and gala are ______in front of the television . ( Sit )
Ali and gala are sitting in front of the television .
shaykha____talking on his phone .
shaykha is talking on his phone .
He is playing .
What is your favourite film ?
My favourite is _____baby bos 2
What is the meaning of the word ( Ending )
The last part of the film .
What is the meaning of the word ( Plot )
What happens in a film . 
What is the meaning of the word ( Costumes )
Clothes actors wear .
What is the meaning of the word ( Special effects )
Pictures made by computers .
What is the meaning of the word ( Beginning )
The first part of the film .
What is the meaning of the word ( Actors )
People in a film .
popcorn.\ has\ My favourite cinema \ the tastiest
My favourite cinema has the tastiest popcorn .
the biggest \ have \ IMAX cinemas \ screens .
IMAX cinemas have the biggest screens . 
is \ Where \ in the UAE ? \ the biggest cinema
Where is the biggest cinema in the UAE ?
the best \ cinemas.\ I think \ has \ Dubai
I think Dubai has the best cinemas .
Which cinemas have the biggest screens ??
When did the oldest cinema open ?
Where is the biggest cinema in the world ?
Madrid , spain
What is the bold meaning of the ward ( Ending )
How the film finishes .
What is the bold meaning of the ward ( Special effects )
Pictures or sounds made by computer or make up .
What is the bold meaning of the ward ( Plot )
Wath happens in a film .
What is the bold meaning of the ward ( Main character )
The most important person in a film.
I also like animation films _____action films .
I also like animation films and action films .
I don't like horror films , _____ I do like comedy films .
I don't like horror films ,but I do like comedy films .
I Iike horror _____comedy films .
I Iike horror and comedy films .