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Multiplication Recall

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or false: All multiples of 5 are even numbers.
How many legs would 50 ants have?
300 legs
CHALLENGE In the shop's storeroom, there are 60 shoes. How many pairs of shoes do they make?
30 pairs
How many legs would 20 dogs have?
80 legs
___ x 3 = 270
CHALLENGE: In September, Mickey saved RM2 a day. How much money did he save that month?
RM2 x 30 = RM60
CHALLENGE: Santa's elves are making 500 toys a day. How many days will they take to make 1500 toys?
3 days
There are 9 biscuits in the tin. The baker added 4 times the amount. How many biscuits are in the tin now?
One dozen equals 12 eggs. How many eggs are in 4 dozen?
48 eggs
Last year 100 people visited the zoo. This year the number of visitor increased by triple the amount. How many visitors in the zoo this year?
___ x 3 = 90
Which basic multiplication fact is used to find out 90 x 8?
9 x 8 or 8 x 9
Chua reads 6 pages a day. How many pages will he have read in 30 days?
180 pages
___ x 5 = 450
The plant grows 3 cm a day. How tall is the plant after 7 days?
21 cm
What number, smaller than 30 is a multiple of 2,3,4 and also 8?
There are 5 classrooms. 20 students can fit into each classroom. How many students can fit into all the classrooms?
100 students
How many legs would 8 spiders have?
What number when multiplied by 40 equals 120?
How many days are in 10 weeks?
70 days
Multiplication is also known as repeated _________