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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I _______ (go) home now.
I am going home now.
Jack and Jill ______ always _______ (fight).
Jack and Jill are always fighting.
_______ they _______ (listen) to the teacher?
Are they listening to the teacher?
______ she ________ (laugh)?
Is she laughing?
Frances ___________ (talk) on the phone at the moment.
Frances is talking on the phone at the moment.
______ John ________ (play) football today?
Is John playing football today?
They __________ (eat) lunch right now.
They are eating lunch right now.
Marc __________ (make) pizza now.
Marc is making pizza now.
Rose ________ (read) a book.
Rose is reading a book.
You __________ (not watch) the movie.
You are not watching the movie.
Anthony _________ (not sit) in the chair.
Anthony isn't sitting in the chair.
______ Mona _______ (eat) bread and butter this morning?
Is Mona eating bread and butter this morning?
_______ you _______ (drink) tea now?
Are you drinking tea now?
Peter ________ (not talk) to his friend, he _____ (talk) to his brother.
Peter isn't talking to his friend, he is talking to his brother.
Lisa _______ (not cry).
Lisa isn't crying.
_______ you ______ (play) Minecraft?
Are you playing Minecraft?
She _________ (wear) a red dress this evening.
She is wearing a red dress this evening.
Look! It ________ (start) to rain.
Look! It is starting to rain.
I ____________ (help) him to do his homework.
I am helping him to do his homework.
_____ you _______ (come) to our home?
Are you coming to our home?
I _________ (not quarrel) with you.
I am not quarreling with you.
He ___________ (travel) around the world at the moment.
He is traveling around the world at the moment.
They __________ (play) football now.
They are playing football now.
You ________ (shop) at the moment.
You are shopping at the moment.
We _________ (watch) a movie.
We are watching a movie.
He _______ (go) to the library.
He is going to the library.
He ________ (read) various kinds of books.
He is reading various kinds of books.
She _________ (drink) coffee
She is drinking coffee.
I _______ (take) a shower now.
I am taking a shower now.