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HAVE got

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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___________ the baby ___________ teeth?
has, got
My house ___________ a big garden.
has got
Charlie and Joanna ___________ four children.
have got
Barbie ___________ a pink convertible.
has got
___________ you ___________ time for me?
have, got
I ___________ (not) any money.
haven't got
___________ the boys ___________ toys?
have, got
___________ your teacher ___________ long hair?
has, got
___________ the children ___________ icecream?
have, got
Karol ___________ new trousers.
has got
A car ___________ four wheels.
has got
The cat ___________ a short tail.
has got
They ___________ a lot of books.
have got
We ___________ a new laptop.
have got
The doctor ___________ a big bag.
has got
Tina ___________ long hair.
has got
Robert ___________ blond hair.
has got
___________ the students ___________ their schoolbags?
have, got
___________ your mother ___________ glasses?
Has, got
___________ you ___________ a bike?
have, got
My friend and I ___________ pink rooms.
have got
Hania ___________ (not) a friend.
hasn't got
My parents ___________ a big house.
have got
Daniel ___________ (not) a car.
hasn't got