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Greek and Latin Roots Level 5 Week 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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CLEAVE: If you are screaming INTERNALLY, how loud are you?
Silent, It's inside your head.
CLEAVE: What does a MISANTHROPE think about people?
Hates them. Hates being around them.
CLEAVE: What does it mean if someone's plan is NONSENSICAL?
It DOES NOT make sense. It is nonsense.
CLEAVE: What type of jobs have people fight for SUPREMACY?
fighter, boxer, politicians, business
CLEAVE: What is an example of UNIFYING?
Voltron, Power Rangers, sports teams, unions
The root "un-" means?
The root "super/supra" means?
The root "non-" means? HINT: There's two!
not, nine
The root "mis-" means?
wrong, bad, hate
The root "semi-" means?
The root "inter-" means?
among, between
The root "sub/su/suf/sug/sus-" means?
The root "equi, -iqu-" means?
even, equal, level
The root "crypt" means?
hidden, secret
The root "ante/anti" means?
before, prior to, in front of