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Oliver Twist

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Sikes decides to try to escape. What does he do? What goes wrong?
What three things does Mr Brownlow make Monks do?
Monks’ father died. What happened to his will? Who got his money? What does Mr Brownlow know?
What does Bill do when he gets home? Does he follow Fagin’s advice?
Who is on London Bridge at a quarter to midnight on Sunday? Why?
What information does Nancy give Rose about Oliver and Monks?
Nancy gives Bill some medicine. What does she do then?
Mr Bumble goes to the inn. Who does he meet?
Monks pays Fagin to do something. What is it?
Who does Fagin meet outside his house? Describe this person.
Why do they go to a house in Chertsey? What happens in the house?
Where does Sikes take Oliver? Who do they meet?
‘He’s a thief now. He’s one of us.’ What does Fagin mean?
What happens when Oliver wants to help Mr Brownlow?
‘The boy looks very like her.’ Who is Mr Brownlow talking about?
Why is Fagin angry with Charley and the Dodger when they return without Oliver?
Two men help Oliver when the police tries to take him. Who are they? What do they do and say?
What does Oliver do while the the boys are out every morning?
Fagin and the boys play a game. Describe the game.
The Artful Dodger introduces Oliver to a man. What is the man called? What does he look like?
Oliver decides to run away to London. Who does he meet? How does this person help Oliver?
What does Mr Bumble do with Oliver?
Why did Oliver ask the master of the workhouse for more gruel?
What does Mrs Corney take from the mother in the prologue?
What happens to the baby’s mother in the prologue? What is going to happen to the baby?
What is a condemned cell? What happens to Fagin?