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Night Stalkers RAZ

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What can readers infer from the way the author describes the girl's ravenous hunger?
Readers can infer that the girl has not eaten in quite some time and will likely feed on the brains of the monsters.
What words does the author use to describe the monsters?
Stealthy, evil, and purposeful.
Why does the girl hide from the monsters?
She is afraid that they will find her and kill her.
How does the girl know that the monsters are near?
She sees them through the window and hears them as they approach and enter the house.
What is different about life after the disaster?
Some people have turned into brain-eating zombies, while others hunt for and seek refuge from the zombies.
Who is safe in the world after the Disaster? How do you know?
Neither the humans nor the zombies are safe after the Disaster.
Why does the author include the girl's memories about her family?
To help readers connect to the girl and to give more details about her life before the Disaster.
What is the tone of the passage?
Funny, suspenseful, sleepy, inspiring
How does the author make readers sympathize with the girl at first? How and why might readers' feelings change at the end?
The author creates the sense that the girl is in danger. At the end, we realize she is the threat to humans.
Why is the girl alone in a barricaded house?
The girl is alone because the Disaster happened, separating her from her parents and her brother.
Who is the girl in the story? Who are the monsters?
The girl in the story turned into a zombie after the Disaster. The monsters are humans.