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Famous Scary Movie Characters

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's his name and which movie is he from?
His name is Scooby and he's from Scooby Doo.
What's his name and which movie is he from?
His name is Voldemort and he's from Harry Potter.
What's his name and which movie is he from?
His name is Slenderman and he's from Slenderman.
What's his name and which movie is he from?
His name is Pennywise and he's from It.
What's his name and which movie is he from?
His name is Freddy Krueger and he's from A Nightmare on Elm Street.
What's her name and which movie is she from?
Her name is Annabelle and she's from Annabelle.
What's his name and which movie is he from?
His name is Chucky and he's from Child's Play.
What's his name and which movie is he from?
His name is Leatherface and he's from Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
What's his name and which movie is he from?
His name is Michael Myers and he's from Halloween.
What's his name and which movie is he from?
His name is Jason Vorhees and he's from Friday the 13th.