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Halloween Would You Rather

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Would you rather eat a stink bug  or spider?
Would you rather watch Hocus Pocus or Ghostbusters?
Would you rather carve pumpkins or paint pumpkins
Would you rather dress up as a character from Harry Potter or Star Wars?
Would you rather hand out candy or go trick or treating
Would you rather have a pumpkin for a head or pumpkins as feet?
Would you rather eat a caramel apple or a caramel popcorn ball?
Would you rather dance to "Thriller" or "Monster Mash"?
Would you rather wear an itchy wig or uncomfortable fake teeth all night?
Would you rather be lost in a corn maze or a haunted house?
Would you rather buy or make your costume?
Would you rather only watch scary movies or never be able to see movies again?
Would you rather enjoy eating all of your Halloween candies or exchange all of them for $15?
Would you rather get chocolate candy bars or gummy candy
Would you rather be a black cat or a vampire bat?
Would you rather win a contest for carving the best jack-o-lantern or win best costume?
Would you rather stay home to give out candy or go trick-or-treating?
Would you rather eat candy corn or Smarties?
Do you prefer cute costumes or scary costumes
Would you rather wear a princess costume or a minion outfit?
Would you rather spend a night in a haunted house or haunt a house yourself?
Would you rather hand out candy or go to a halloween party
Would you rather trick or treat for candy bars or quarters?
Would you rather dress in a scary costume or a funny costume?
Would you rather be a hero or villain?
Would you rather carve 20 pumpkins or eat 10 bags of candy corn?
Would you rather drink apple cider or hot chocolate?
Would you rather be covered in spiders or snakes?
Would you rather be scared or scare someone else?
Would you rather go apple picking or pumpkin picking
Would you rather have a Halloween Party or a Christmas party