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Halloween Fun!

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the name of the clown from It?
Which popular American candy says "Taste the rainbow"?
Samhainopobia is the fear of ____________.
Samhainopobia is the fear of Halloween!
What town is known for being terrorized by a headless horseman?
Sleepy Hollow
What food do we use in the popular Halloween game where we must grab something in water without using our hands?
We bob for apples!
Where do vampires sleep?
Vampires sleep in coffins!
What popular American TV series is about zombies?
The Walking Dead
What Halloween movie is about a 12-year-old named Miguel who gets lost in the Land of the Dead? He searches for his great-great-grandfather.
Who is the main character in The Nightmare Before Christmas?
Jack Skellington!
What word begins with letter C, looks like a pot and is used by witches to brew their potions and cast evil spells?
What food repels vampires?
What color is this candy? (Bottom-Middle-Top)
What do witches brew? It starts with P....
They brew potions.
What is this spooky place?
It's a haunted house!
What is this popular Halloween costume?
A mummy!
What is this popular Halloween costume?
A ghost!
At Halloween, we like to _________ pumpkins.
At Halloween, we like to CARVE pumpkins.
Is he scared or scary?
He's scared!
When you wear a mask or different clothes to be someone/something else, you are wearing a ______.
What do children say to ask for candy? (In English!)
What is this AND why do witches use them?
It's a broom. Witches use them to fly!
This Halloween animal is like a bird that flies at night
It's a bat!